Saturday, May 2, 2015

EU citizens still unaccounted for in Nepal

Ladies and gentlemen,

I have been following events unfolding in Nepal since the earthquake struck. Along with many others on social media like Facebook & Twitter i tried to connect people and to help compiling lists of people missing, stranded in remote places etc.

I manage that Twitter list (link for those who are not on Twitter) of people either searching for information or contributing to the community (including Nepal government, Indian military info, Weather info) Coordination is done by American citizen Caroline Heldman who also compiled and maintains this list of persons missing/found in Langtang area:

Reports of today, Sat May 2nd
re survivors in Langtang area:

Just to make sure that everybody involved in the search, rescue & extradition effort knows what we are dealing with, here are some images and footage of the impact of that quake on the Himalayan region:

Landslides Langtang region satellite analysis  (pre & post quake)
compare with:
Video of how the quake affected some valleys in the region where the cameramen were lucky to survive:
[posted Apr 28 2015 by earthspace101 on Youtube]

Some information on the Internet suggests that the energy released at that earthquake equals a hydrogen bomb of about 12 Megatons. 

So after the initially unclear situation in Nepal's central region, it's becoming clear that this is serious:

Up to 1,000 Europeans missing after Nepal quake: EU envoy says  [Times of India]

now 3 additional are being send:

So all I am asking on behalf of relatives and friends in desperate for news from their loved ones in Nepal is to step the active search for survivors in those remote mountain valleys of Langtang & elsewhere where presumably a major catastrophe has happened and where at least the deceased should be located & repatriated.
Those who survived the initial earthquake might face additional dangers:
Landslides, mudslides likely to remain a significant threat in Nepal for months [based upon University of Michigan research]

Just now this news arrived from India

so maybe it's sufficient to ask Indian defense department if they need additional assets in the search area.
However it is worth considering that NATO started Operation Ocean Shield , because merchant vessels and their crews were in danger of being attacked and kidnapped by armed pirates. Although there isn't any danger of NATO member states' citizens to become victims of a 'human threat' a major calamity like this one might require a more swift military response to protect the lives of U.S.,Canadian, EU and other member states' citizens. Maybe it's sufficient to offer assets like helicopters and fixed wing aircrafts under the temporary command of the Indian army.

I ask you to check whether this statement:

is true or not, and when it's not true it couldn't harm to release a statement.

Thank you for yours attention.

It's know that many EU foreign ministries are doing what they can since the beginning, but lack of search resources on the ground/in the air in Nepal are the reason for some dismay among relatives of those still missing. 

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